External Evaluation

As a company that impacts to the realization of a regenerative society, Fuji Seal Group is engaged in various initiatives
Introducing evaluations of CSR and ESG initiatives from domestic and overseas evaluation organizations.

FTSE Blossom Japan Index is an index designed to help investors with integration and stewardship of ESG considerations into their investment strategies by measuring the performance of Japanese companies that are advanced practicing for environmental, social and governance (ESG) responses.
Selected 2021

MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN)

The MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) Data is designed to help institutional investors, banks and insurers, assess companies’ workforce gender diversity performance to help inform their investment, financing and underwriting decisions.
Selected from 2019

S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index

S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index is an index designed to help to show the trends in the Japanese market, determined by focusing on the disclosure status of environmental information and the level of carbon efficiency.
2nd decile of 2021


Ecovadis is Third-party organization which provides holistic sustainability ratings service of companies via a global cloud-based SaaS platform.
The EcoVadis Rating covers a broad range of non-financial management systems including Environmental, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement impacts. Each company is rated on the material issues as they pertain to their company's size, location and industry.
Rating as Gold of 2023
The "Gold" rating is given to the top 5% of all companies evaluated out of more than 100,000 companies in over 175 countries.

SOMPO sustainability index

SOMPO sustainability index is a responsible investment product for pension funds and institutional investors who invest widely in companies with high ESG (environment, society, governance) evaluations.
Selected 2021


In 2023, Fuji Seal International, Inc. received both "B" rating as the Management level for CDP 2023 Climate Change and Water.
In addition, "B-" rating for CDP 2023 Supplier Engagement.
Based on the evaluation by CDP, We will continue to reflect the results in our management strategies for the transition to a low-carbon society.

"DBJ Environmentally Rated" Loan Program

The "DBJ Environmentally Rated" Loan Program uses a screening system (rating system) developed by the DBJ to evaluate enterprises on the level of their environmental management and to select outstanding companies. It is the first such investment program globally. * DBJ : Development Bank of Japan Inc.
Acquisition of Rating as a "Company With Advanced Environmental Initiatives" rating in 2021.