Sustainability Management

Group Sustainability Policy

The Fuji Seal Group (hereinafter referred to as "FSG") upholds Our Credo "Each day with renewed commitment, we create value through packaging" and together with all stakeholders, contributes to the realization of a sustainable society through packaging.

Our mission is "Fuji Seal will impact to realize the Circular Society that brings peace and happiness to all through packaging." FSG plays an essential role in society and fulfills supply responsibilities in both normal times and emergencies.

In addition to the basic policies on "Health and Safety", "Environmental Management", "Chemical Substance Management", "Quality", "Information Security", and "Anti-Bribery and Corruption", FSG also promotes sustainability management by complying with the "Group Human Rights Policy", "Group Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Policy", "Group Human Resources Policy", "Group Customer Contracting Policy", "Group Purchasing Policy" and the "Group Tax Policy".

Group Sustainability Committee

In December 2020, we established the Group Sustainability Committee to promote and support sustainability management in the Group. The Group Sustainability Committee, chaired by the President(CEO), comprises all executive officers and has the FSI Sustainability Subcommittee as its subordinate organization. Furthermore, in each region, we have in place a Regional Sustainability Committee chaired by the executive officer in charge of the region to ensure that a regional system is built to apply and enact the Group’s sustainability policy and that regional sustainability measures are implemented appropriately.
("Sustainability and environmental management" is listed in the FSG directors' skill chart)

There is a Regional Sustainability Committee chaired by the Executive Officer in charge of each region.
