
Social Contribution Activities

Social Contribution Vision

The FSG vision is that "Our Value to People and the Planet".
We aim to be a company that is resonsible for the realization of a sustainable society. We will continue to be a company that delivers affluence, happiness, pleasure and peace of mind to society and consumers through the development of people-friendly packages that are "easy to hold", "easy to open", "easy to read" and "easy to dispose".

FSG will fulfill our responsibilities as a member of the local community by maintaining good relationship, solidarity and cooperation with the local community.In addition to conducting business activities with respect for the customs and culture of the local community, we will participate in and cooperate with the activities of local communities and actively support voluantary social contribution activities of our employees.

Communication with the local community

Activity report for FY2022
In 2022, the Group allocated approximately 35K USD to the cost of activities, focusing on regional contributions.


Yamagata Factory

  • Participated in volunteer planting activities organized by the Sagae Central Industrial Park Promotion Association (June 2022)
  • Conducted a Sustainability workshop for 5th and 6th graders at Yamaguchi Elementary School in Tendo City (October 2022)
  • Cleanup activities around the plant (October 2022)

Yuki Factory

  • Blood donation at the plant (September 2022)

Nabari Factory

  • Cleanup activities around the plant (October 2022)
  • Cleanup activities of commuter bus routes in Yawata Industrial Park (November 2022)

Tokyo Head Office

  • Participation in Chiyoda Ward Cleanup Day
    The residents, other businesses and organizations joined together in cleanup activities related to environmental beautification (November 2022)

Participation in HolyGrail 2.0 (Since October 2020)


  • The donation to Anna e.V. - a charity organisation that supports children fallen sick with cancer (February,2022)


  • The donation to the local idea bank program
    As part of the idea bank Italy, which our employees can use as a platform to contribute ideas that bring a cost saving or contribute to realizing our core values, Italy is planning on donating to non-profit organizations. (By December, 2022)


  • The donation and funds from employees to the local shelter for animals. (October - December 2022)
  • Supported non-profit organizations by "Sweet baskets" for local senior care centers. (December 2022)

The Netherlands

  • Welcomed 50 children from an elementary school and had a Sustainability workshop in the neighborhood of our Fuji Seal plant in Deurne. (November, 2022)

United Kingdom

  • Crisp Packet to Blankets
    Crisp packets, which are believed to take 80 years to decompose, provide a sustainable alternative to throwing them away and can provide a lifeline for people on the streets.
    We are using rubbish to make something that somebody can use, and the packets would be waste if not recycled this way.
  • 125th good deeds challenge
    Supported non-profit organizations, groups, schools, and more
  • Donations directly to local charities
    "Marion County Chamber" , "I am Her" and others (January, March, July, September, October, 2022)
  • Sustainability workshop
    for community Kiwanis Club (October, 2022)
    for local high school in Bardstown (November, 2022)
  • The "Giving back Committee" has been established, and employees voluntarily carry out activities (every December)
  • Donations and recovery
    for Western KY Tornado (January, 2022)
    for Eastern KY floods (July, 2022)


  • The donation to the disaster prevention fund (September, 2022)


  • The donation to the Drug Prevention Youth Football Tournament organized by the local police station near the plant. (August, 2022)
  • The donation of goods about food, necessities, clothes, fund, bedding stuff to Prabathnapu Temple Foundation organization which help HIV/AIDS infected people.
    All fund, food, necessities are from employee’s donation.
    (Every year on March 6, the anniversary of the founding of the company)
  • Welcomed 80children from an elementary school and had a Sustainability workshop in Sumutprakan City the neighborhood of our Bangpoo plant.

Click here for the social contribution activities in the past >

Development of people-friendly packaging materials

Fuji Seal develops and provides people-friendly packaging materials, such as easy-to-hold products, light-weight products, and easy-to-read products.
We have so far strived through trial and error to resolve various customer issues. Although we have suffered numer-ous failures during this process, we have worked with determi-nation to resolve the issues and overcome these failures. We believe that this has enabled our products to be widely adopt-ed in various industries.

Shrink Sleeve Labels

Wider space for display and sealing function

Tamper-proof shrink sleeve labels were adopted for a new type of light-weight and shatter-proof bottles.
These light-weight and shatter-proof containers are not only easy for the user to hold and pour, but also contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The wider space for display makes it easier to read a display on a label. Moreover, perforat-ed labels are easy to peel off, enabling the easy separation of labels.

Pressure Sensitive Labels

Easy-to-read display

Booklet-type labels with a wider space for display can provide a great deal of informa-tion. They serve not only as descriptions of new products but also as package leaflets which are hard to lose.

Spouted Pouches

Easier to open

Spouted pouches with easier-to-open caps were developed, so that they can be easily opened even by those who are weak-handed or do not have enough finger strength. These pouches are well received by our customers (consumers).

  • Display of necessary information
  • Safety and security
  • Easy to read
  • Easy to open
  • Light-weight /Easy to hold
  • Easy to dispose of

Fuji Seal Foundation

We started the scholarship program in FY2006 to provide scholarships to university and graduate students in Japan and international students. Since then, we have supported more than 400 students. We also began providing scholarships to local students overseas and supporting the Asia Student Package Design Competition (ASPaC) in FY2017 and FY2018, respectively.

Fuji Seal Foundation
FY2019 scholarship acceptance ceremony of Fuji Seal Foundation

Safety, Health, and Accident Prevention

The Fuji Seal Group places top priority on the safety and health of employees. We plan and take safety, health and accident prevention measures in a responsible manner to continue to ensure the safety and health of employees at each company and work site.

Safety, health and accident prevention management system

In each business region, an executive officer is responsible for safety, health, and accident prevention, and, at each company and factory, a Safety, Health and Accident Prevention Committee is established. In addition, information on minor incidents on-site is shared among the Group in order to take preventive measures.
We have also built a system in which, in the case of a labor accident and a fire, similar potential sites are promptly checked in all business regions and preventive measures are rolled out. We enhance our efforts to learn from past failures and to accumulate and standardize know-how about preventing accidents. We also take thorough measures to share information between the COO (Chief Operating Officer), who is responsible for overseeing safety, health, and accident prevention within the Fuji Seal Group, and the staff in each business region and each business segment and, in particular, to comply with laws, regulations, and internal rules, including auditing BCP.

Installation of imitative risk experience facilities

Imitative risk experience facilities are installed at factories in Japan, where subjects can actually experience the risk of being involved in a labor accident. These facilities are set up so that employees can experience potential risks in the workplace to learn the importance of safety physically and mentally, thereby improving their ability to prevent labor accidents from occurring and foresee potential risks.
Employees experience these imitative risks when joining the company as well as on a regular basis to raise their safety awareness.

Safety education training at the imitative risk experience facility in the Nabari Factory
Inside the facility
Imitative risk experience facility