
Value-added products as the key in the Americas and the ASEAN region
Taking a look at the recent business situation by region, first of all, with regard to Japan, now that high-speed shrink label machines for beverages, the mainstay of the market, have almost completely penetrated the market, it is essential to sow the seeds for the next stage of growth. Meanwhile, sales in the Americas remain strong as the shift to shrink labels continues, and we believe this trend will continue for the time being. In Europe, the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) will come into full effect from 2030, but as the details have yet to be decided at this stage, the move is slow with investment being held back in areas that are not immediately necessary. In the ASEAN region, where price competition is intensifying due to the entry of local companies, we are working to provide machines and services with high added value so that we can be chosen by customers with a long-term perspective.
Fulfilling needs for environmentally friendly and labor-saving products
There are two major global trends, the first of which is the growing need for environmentally friendly products. Our Group is also strengthening our development of machinery that is friendly to both people and the environment, and we were the first in Europe to develop a new type of shrink tunnel that can significantly reduce energy consumption and water usage compared to conventional models. Another trend is the growing need for labor-saving products. In Europe and the Americas in particular, it is becoming increasingly difficult to secure an adequate number of operators, and even if an adequate number of operators are secured, few of them are highly skilled. Therefore, we are developing machines that anyone can operate easily, regardless of language or experience.
As a new business, we are working on a line engineering business in the pharmaceutical market. By utilizing the experience we have gained through the pharmaceutical packaging contract manufacturing organization (CMO)* business, which we are also focusing on, we are making proposals from the user's perspective on how to build lines that are easy to operate and have high production efficiency. In Italy, our rotary labelers for the auto injector market have met with a favorable reaction, and we are currently building a new factory to begin operations in 2025.
*Contract manufacturing organization (CMO): A company or enterprise that manufactures pharmaceutical products on behalf of pharmaceutical companies under its contracts with them
Strengthening our development structure for further growth
FSG.30 defines a company-wide business strategy of expanding into new markets and new businesses, and we believe that the Machinery Business will play an even more important role in realizing new needs and new packages. We will also work hard to address issues that remained unresolved from the previous medium-term management plan, such as using data to increase operating rates and improve our services.
Also, as stated in relation with one of our materiality items helping customers in speedy launch of their new products and developments requires us to accelerate the development cycle of machines. We hope to strengthen our development structure through collaboration between our packaging materials and machinery businesses and with partner companies, leading to further growth.